How To Convert PS2 Games ISO To PKG For PS3 Super Slim / Slim OFW 4.82 / 4.81
As you may know, with the new PS3Xploit update, we are now able to sign PS2 titles, enabling emulation for platform. I've found it useful to give you a tutorial so you could play your favorite PS2 games on your PS3 HEN console.
1 Get your PS2 game in a bin/iso format
2 Open PS2ClassicsGUI
3 Encrypt
4 Get the resulting ISO.BIN.ENC
5 Go back to PS2ClassicsGUI
6 Make PKG
7 Right click the Image/Background if you want to edit it
8 Double click "PS2 Classics" to put the name of your game
9 Put whatever you want as TitleID, you can search your game's on Google
10 Once you're done Make your PKG, sign it with PS3xploit Resigner
11 You will also need to get the rap file for it (2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333.rap)
12 Sign the rap file with rifgen so you could get a rif PKG
13 put the result on your FAT32 usb
(Note : you need to install the Placeholder only once)
Download Links :
Download : msvbvm50.dll
PS3xploit Resigner v2.0
PS2 Placeholder R3 pkg
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