PS3 PS2 Classic GUI v2.1 (by Aldostools)
Adds PS2 CONFIG Support
Developer Aldostools has updated one of his popular utilities to be better suited for PS3Xploit HAN (& CFW) user's, PS2 Classic GUI has been updated to version 2.1 and this update provides support for PS2 CONFIG files.The config's improves the game compatibility of the Ps2 emulator allowing for additional PlayStation 2 games to be played. So, this is a great update to make adding those config that much easier, thanks to the work in @Zar ManaGunZ (PS3 Homebrew) we have a database of PS2 Config Database already, that Aldostools has included in this download and the tool will easily be able to add available CONFIG for your PS2 Games.
New build of PS2 Classics GUI 2.1 to add the CONFIG.
To make a PKG, simply select the ISO.BIN.ENC and the optional CONFIG file from the CONFIGS folder (included in the rar).
The tool will auto-encrypt the CONFIG file and include it in the PKG next to ISO.BIN.ENC.
If the game doesn't require a CONFIG, just cancel the dialog and the PKG will be made without it.
The tool will auto-encrypt the CONFIG file and include it in the PKG next to ISO.BIN.ENC.
If the game doesn't require a CONFIG, just cancel the dialog and the PKG will be made without it.
Download From Here
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