PS2 Classics GUI: Convert PS2 ISO to PS4 PKG by TheDarkprogramer
Following the PS2 Fake PKG Generator for PS4, PS2 PS4 PKGs Guide, PS2 ELF Loader for PS4 and his recent PARAM.SFO Editor updates today PlayStation 4 developer xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx made available a PS2 Classics GUI to convert PS2 ISO files to PS4 PKG files with details below
Here is another release
this will convert PS2 iso's into PS4 pkg's
Simply give it a PS2 iso
then give it a Content ID (Must be in format TTTTNNNN) T = Text N = Number
and give it a title
enjoy and keep it retro
Download: Make_FSELF_GUI_v1.3.rar / GIT
Here is another release
this will convert PS2 iso's into PS4 pkg's
Simply give it a PS2 iso
then give it a Content ID (Must be in format TTTTNNNN) T = Text N = Number
and give it a title
enjoy and keep it retro
- Changed to make_fself.exe from XDPx
- Added a Clear Settings Function.
Download: Make_FSELF_GUI_v1.3.rar / GIT
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