WebMAN MOD 1.47.09 untuk CFW 4.84
PS3 CFW tanpa Webman itu kalau menurut ane seperti langit malam tanpa bintang, seperti mie ayam tanpa micin atau seperti jomblo tanpa smartphone, pokoknya tanpa Webman PS3 CFW terasa Gak komplit, karena dengan Webman ini PS3 jadi lebih ganteng dan lebih faedah.
Dengan webman kita bisa mengatur kecepatan kipas pendingin, bisa ganti CID untuk unban PS3, bisa cek temperatur dengan mudah dan tentu saja bisa load game dengan cepat dan simple, masih banyak lagi fitur lain yang kita dapat di PS3 kalau kita install webman ke PS3
Dengan webman kita bisa mengatur kecepatan kipas pendingin, bisa ganti CID untuk unban PS3, bisa cek temperatur dengan mudah dan tentu saja bisa load game dengan cepat dan simple, masih banyak lagi fitur lain yang kita dapat di PS3 kalau kita install webman ke PS3
WebMAN MOD 1.47.09 ini release untuk mnyesuiakan adanya pembaruan firmware PS3 4.84, selain itu sepertinya ane belum tau fitur apa yang ditambahkan. Jadi gak banyak yang bisa ane bahas di sini. Sekedar untuk melengkapi saja ane cantumkan juga fitur webman yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Tapi karena lagi males terjemah ane copas saja dari situs lain.
Futr pada Webman mod yg dikembangkan Aldostools :
Futr pada Webman mod yg dikembangkan Aldostools :
- Easy installer/updater
- VSH Menu integration (hold SELECT to show the menu)
- sLaunch GUI integration (hold START or R2+L2 on XMB to show the GUI)
- New folder icons (by Brunolee & Berion)
- It can mount PS2 Classics games on PS2 Classic Launcher (.BIN.ENC)
- It can auto-mount any custom folder or ISO. Official only can mount AUTOBOOT.ISO
- Title ID can be displayed on XMB menu
- Covers are shown using the Title ID on the file name of the ISO. Official needs to mount the game to show the covers.
- It can rip a game from disc to hdd0 or copy from hdd0 to usb000 or from usb00x to hdd0.
- FTP server includes new SITE commands to allow copy/paste files locally, unmount game, toggle external gamedata, turn on/off dev_blind, change file attributes
- Integrated external gameDATA
- Web Debugger (remote peek/poke/find bytes)
- Support for automatic or manual removal of CFW syscalls and spoof console id (IDPS/PSID)
- Translated to 23 languages
- Extended support up to 5 remote network servers
- Several shortcuts to toggle Cobra, swap Rebug files, mount net0/ or net1/, show IDPS/PSID, etc.
- Support for user defined combos
- Enable screen capture on CFW that don't has the feature.
- Various improvements on File Manager (links to navigate faster, mount ISO, mount net0/ or net1/, preview images, copy/paste/delete files & folders)
- MIN+ memory profile (same as MIN but uses 512K and 2.5X more buffer for PS3 games)
- MAX+ memory profile (same as MAX 1280K for PS3 games, others buffer is reduced, eg: 2X less buffer for ftp and 4X for DVD etc...)
- Copy operations use shadow copy on hdd0 for faster copy
- Scan for games on the stealth folder "/video"
- Support last_game.txt / autoboot on nonCobra edition
- "Offline" mode (blocks some PSN/tracking servers). Game updates still work in this mode. (v1.33.03)
- XMBM+ integration when grouping of XMB content is disabled (v1.33.03)
- Extended Content Profile Grouping (v1.33.07)
- PS3 Manager API Support (PS3MAPI)
- Integrated Mysis video_rec plugin and get klicensee
- Support for .ntfs[BDFILE] (fake ISO created by IRISMAN)
- Support to mount NTFS games using raw_iso.sprx (rawseciso by Estwald)
- Support for auto-fix games that require higher FW version (4.20 and later)
- Optional Video subfolder to "Bluray™ and DVD" folder (Display RetroXMB videos, videos on USB devices and Data Disc icon)
- "slider" webGUI (mobile friendly).
- Extended system information (Title ID, APP Version, IDPS/PSID, CFW version, last played game)
- Display of Play time & startup time to SELECT+START and /cpursx.ps3 (Use SELECT+START+R2 to display Game ID, Title, play time and more in-Game info)
- Include a virtual pad feature, you can control your console via http://pad.aldostools.org on web browser or with webPAD software (windows only)
- dev_bdvd/PS3_UPDATE now is redirected when the plugin is loaded (and when a game is mounted) [This is intended to prevent an accidental update if a game disc is inserted in the drive]
- Added /play.ps3 to launch XMB Functions (e.g: /play.ps3?col=network&seg=seg_premo) this will start Remote Play server from XMB.
- Once a game is mounted via html, if you click on the displayed icon the game will be launched on the PS3. This is nice to start the game once it's mounted from your mobile This option uses the new command /play.ps3
- Support for auto-play any supported ISO, game folder or auto-open an URL link
- Support for change BD/DVD region
- NETISO server on PS3 (ISO only)
- Support for local web chat
- Support for edit small text files
- Download files & install PKG remotely or with shortcut
Smentara gitu aja, nextime ane usahakn translate ke bahasa jakarta. heleh..
Download link :
Webman Mod 1.47.09 untuk PS3 CFW 4.84
source : PSX-Place
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